. Tickets define service requests within the Autotask system. This entity contains the attachments for the SalesOrders entity. Attachments are external documents that are associated with an Autotask Account, Task, Ticket, Task or Ticket Note, Time Entry, Asset, Asset Note, Project, or Opportunity entity. This entity enables you to decrease inventory counts associated with the InventoryProducts entity. Visit the Ideas forum! . A Subscription creates recurring billing items for Assets when there is no need to track labor costs against subscription revenue; for example, when billing in installments. A cost is a billing item for products or materials. Selecting a Note Type populates the Publish To field of the note, but this default can be overridden. This entity represents ticket and article tags in Autotask. You can only create it; you cannot query or update it. If the Can edit Status of Complete tickets (does not apply to Autotask Web Services/API) permission is cleared for your security level, you can update the status of incomplete incidents. Refer to Time Entry/Note Quick Edit Fields. IMPORTANT Although you can query all resources, some objects contain fields that you cannot query. 1. It mirrors the fields found on the. Provide feedback for the Documentation team. function SendLinkByMail(href) {
If the time entry page is open for a long time, it is possible for the Status field to be changed by another user or a workflow rule. A table that lists all standard Autotask fields by Field Name and provides the following information for each field: Field Name, Data Type, Read-Only, Is Required, Reference Name (provided only if the field is a reference), Picklist, and Picklist Parent Column Name (only if the field is a picklist child). Web Services is, however, aware of and will check existing multiple resources on a ticket and will not allow any resource to be assigned as primary resource if that resource is already a secondary resource. Within Autotask navigate to Homepage > Admin > Features & Settings; Tip - click the images to make them larger. Currently, the API provides the following actions: GET, PUT, PATCH, POST, and DELETE. This entity's purpose is to describe a deliverable item that represents a pre-defined unit of work performed for a set price and billed at regular intervals; for example, a 'Disk Backup' performed for one computer. For the OpportunityID field, Opportunity.AccountID must = Ticket.AccountID. This entity's purpose is to describe a record of approval for a ticket change request. You can configure API Only security levels to allow the impersonation of other resources on supported endpoints. var uri = 'https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdw1y-_z7_O1tSWNFkiDliribqAz5IrqAiJJ6u2KsbEvICTqw/viewform?usp=pp_url&entry.876121135=' + document.location.href;
The function of this entity is to describe the tax rate for a specific billing item. This entity describes an Autotask Appointment,a scheduled calendar time that is not a service call. If the ticket category has only the due date or only the due time configured, then the API Ticket.DueDateTime will be required, and not supplying a value will return an error message. For more information, refer to. API users cannot be assigned as a resource to content such as opportunities or tickets, but they can be selected as a filter on fields and in widgets that are date, time . This entity contains notes for Knowledgebase articles in Autotask. This entity's purpose is to describe a modifier for a given Work Type BillingCode. The returned body will be super useful going forward if you can get it though! If the ticket type = Change Request, then ChangeApprovalType is set to the default value. IMPORTANT Fields that are not visible cannot be validated. https://webservices4.autotask.net/atservicesrest/v1.0/Tickets. Instructions Navigate to Account > Integrations and create a new integration by using the Autotask option. This entity describes the Resource and Role through the Queue association. A Department is an association the application can use to manage resources, especially when assigning project tasks. Log into Autotask and navigate to the menu on the left and click on Admin The API can complete a ticket that has one or more incomplete 'Important' Checklist items. QueueID requirement - The ticket's category (Ticket.TicketCategory) will determine whether or not Ticket.QueueID is required, based on the category's 'Queue is Required' setting. This entity describes DNSrecords associated with Assets in Autotask. Cost items can be billable or non-billable. If more than one person is added, +# is added to the first name. Available in the UI only when the installed module is enabled. If you attempt to query these fields, you will receive an error message. Have an idea for a new feature? This entity describes an Autotask Contract. Contracts specify a billing arrangement with a Company. This entity represents time off requests submitted by Autotaskusers. For example, 'T20200615.0674.'. This entity describes an Autotask Ticket. update() is allowed on a Ticket with an inactive ContactID value if that value is not being changed, or if a new active value is assigned. If TicketType = ChangeRequest, ProblemTicketID cannot have a value. Once you have connected Powershell to Autotask (see my previous post for a howto), you can query, create and update everything that the API allows.In this post I will show you how to create a new ticket, but the method is the . Visit the Ideas forum! }
You cannot change a resource's ticket number prefix once created. It determines a customer's total taxes on billing items. IMPORTANT When this feature is released, we will change the Publish settings of ticket and task notes and attachments to Internal &Co-managed for all tickets and tasks where the Co-managed Visibility is set to Visible. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. This entity's purpose is to describe a cost associated with a Change Order to an Autotask Project. If there is no Contract Service or Bundle SLA, then check the Contract. The function of this entity is to describe the Resource - Service Desk Role association and takes some functionality from the ResourceRoleQueue entity, since Resource - Queue associations no longer require a Role association. This entity describes one or more Autotask Assets (previously known as Configuration Items) assigned to a Ticket beyond the primary asset(ticket.configurationItemID). If you want your integration users' names to show on the entity, follow these steps: This example adds an impersonated user to a request's headers. This entity's purpose is to describe a modular component that can be added to any ticket or task. Every attempt gives me a 500 server error. the URL but request it using, Create Tickets in autotask using REST api in python, webservices.autotask.net/atservicesrest/v1.0/, How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability. Tickets and project tasks share the same list of statuses. Create a new record or update an existing record in your app. If no asset or contract SLA, then check the Ticket Category. Saves and closes the note or time entry and opens the Forward/Modify Ticket(s) page. It describes whether a Product on the Price List uses the internal currency or an external currency for a Product Tier, and if it is external, lets you set the price in that currency. A cost is a billing item for products or materials. The API-only user's security level must allow impersonation on the entity type. Need troubleshooting help? Tasks are associated with a Project and define work that must be done. If the setting Enable [Entity] Stopwatch is cleared for the entity category, the stopwatch will not appear. All active note types of the category Task are available, plus the current selection even if it is inactive. This entity contains the attachments for the ExpenseReports entity. /*]]>*/Want to tell us more? /*]]>*/Want to tell us more? This entity's purpose is to describe a resource assigned to a task but not as the primary resource. Autotask administrators create UDFs in the Administration Settings of the Autotask system. If a status or quick edit field supplied by the dialog fields conflicts with an unsaved change on the Edit Ticket page, the dialogs value will be used.Information on the Insights panel will not be updated until that task or ticket is saved. ProjectID must be associated with the same Account as the Ticket (Ticket.AccountID). The entity provides an efficient way to access the details, via the API, to assist with the customer's Autotask implementation. If an association is removed from a resource and that pairing is set as the default, that default is not removed. Notes published . This entity's purpose is to describe a currency available for use with the Autotask multi-currency installed module. Does ZnSO4 + H2 at high pressure reverses to Zn + H2SO4? The New and Edit pages for each entity feature a notification panel that is accessed from a persistent handle at the bottom of the page. This entity contains the records for the Deleted Ticket Activity journal located in the Autotaskapplication at >Admin > Features and Settings > Projects & Tasks >Deleted Ticket Activity Log. This entity's purpose is to describe a note created by an Autotask user and associated with a Ticket entity. This entity contains attachments for the Opportunities entity. Contact Groups are an association of contacts, from one or more companies, that allow PSA users to send bulk email and create notes and/or to-dos simultaneously for all included contacts. The ArticlePlainTextContent entity contains the plain text version of body content held by a Knowledgebase article. Click New; Tip - click the images to make them larger If cleared (default setting), all Autotask resources, Outsourcing partners, and customers with access to the item in the Client Portal can view the note. This entity describes an Autotask Role. This entity's purpose is to describe a Contact associated with a ContactGroup. If you edit a note or time entry that is associated with existing attachments, they appear in a separate Attachments section. var uri = 'https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdw1y-_z7_O1tSWNFkiDliribqAz5IrqAiJJ6u2KsbEvICTqw/viewform?usp=pp_url&entry.876121135=' + document.location.href;
For more information about attachments, including call syntax, thresholds and limits, and a full list of attachment entities, refer to Working with attachments in the RESTAPI. The function of this entity is to describe the associations between Change Request tickets and both Incidents and Problems. This entity allows you to track the progress of the opportunity and generate sales forecasts. The DomainRegistrars entity contains WHOISdetails for Domain assets. You cannot create a ticket with TicketType = Problem and specify a ProblemTicket ID or specify ProblemTicketID for an existing Ticket with TicketType=Problem; that is, a ticket that is already a problem ticket cannot become an incident to another problem ticket. Invoices include Billing Items that have been approved and posted and are being billed to a customer or presented for information purposes only. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. How can I explain to my manager that a project he wishes to undertake cannot be performed by the team? This includes the category field itself. There were some field name changes between the Soap and REST API, can you try all the same but replace the accountId field with companyId? It allows users to track and manage Inventory Items created from Autotask Products that require a unique serial number. NOTE If Knowledgebase is enabled and the ticket is used to create a Knowledgebase article, the contents of the Resolution field appear in the article. This entity represents checklist libraries related to documents in Autotask. Head on over to our Community Forum! [CDATA[*/
3. This object describes Autotask Assets (previously known as Configuration Items), other than the primary Assets (Ticket.configurationItemID). This entity contains attachments for Knowledgebase articles in Autotask. An attempt to create a Ticket using a Resource + Role combination with an inactive Role will trigger an error. This entity contains attachments for the Companies entity. This entity describes an Autotask ticket assigned to a service call. This entity describes an Autotask Department. Head on over to our Community Forum! Resource access URLs for all entities appear in the next section of this article. This entity contains notes for documents in Autotask. If there is already text in the Resolution field, two line breaks will separate the existing text from the text added. This entity contains the attachments for the. Autotaskincludes a time off policy management feature that enables your company to track employee time off benefits. This entity surfaces the Autotaskversion number. From the Autotask Home page toolbar, select Help. According to their documentation it requires the URI https://webservices4.autotask.net/atservicesrest/v1.0/Tickets and then the body contains the JSON formatted data: But this doesn't seem to work either and Datto are taking forever to respond to support tickets these days. If ChangeApprovalStatus = Requested, user can change it to Assigned (only). function SendLinkByMail(href) {
ServiceLevelAgreementPausedNextEventHours. This entity is only used by multi-currency databases. This entity's purpose is to describe a skill or ability that you can associate with a Resource via the ResourceSkill entity. This entity contains SSLSubject Alternative Name (SAN) records associated with the ConfigurationItemsentity in Autotask. If you set the status of selected tickets to Complete, and one or more tickets have incomplete to-dos, a confirmation message will ask if you want to complete associated to-dos. The RMA ticket category cannot be edited through the API. Notes can be searched and viewed from one place using the Global Notes Search, accessed from > Home >Search > Global Notes Search or > Reports > Other >General. What is a word for the arcane equivalent of a monastery? The id value is set by the system and cannot be changed by the user; for example, if you attempt to specify a value for the id field when using the POSTAPI call, the create will fail. Thanks for your feedback. The instructions in this topic help you create an Autotask API user account, configure configuration items and monitors, and configure ticket management in Autotask for your Firebox integration. Any entities or attachments that the account creates will be attributed to "APIUser." The Ticket entity can have no more than 300 UDFs. Want to learn about upcoming enhancements? You may also update UDFs for entity types that allow update and create. The allowed actions are specific to the object. This entity describes an Autotask SubscriptionPeriod. The Status defaults to the current status of the parent entity when the page or dialog box is opened. NOTE The Autotask REST API stores and returns all entity time data in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). An error message indicates that Service Request tickets cannot be associated with a problem ticket. Assets are Products with an association to a Company entity. Ticket.Source is not required; however, in the UI the Source field defaults to 'Other', so for tickets created through the UI, the value for Ticket.Source is never Null. TicketType must = Incident before the ticket can be associated with a ProblemTicketID. Create Ticket using API Hello, i've been trying to create a ticket in Autotask using the API but the documentation (as everyone has already mentioned) is virtually useless. The Autotask REST API presents selected Autotask resources as programming objects that allow the client to perform actions on them. This entity's purpose is to describe a day specified as a Holiday (usually counted as paid time off) and included in an Autotask Internal location Holiday Set. Enter your API credentials and then click Connect. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 . This object describes notes created by an Autotask user and associated with a Asset entity. To learn more, refer to The Rich Text editor. It describes whether a Service on the Price List uses the internal currency or an external currency, and if it is external, lets you set the price in that currency. Does anyone have sample code for how to create a ticket using the REST API. It describes whether a ServiceBundle on the Price List uses the internal currency or an external currency, and if it is external, lets you set the price in that currency. The allowed actions are specific to the object. Any existing Change Request tickets can be edited. Click on the context menu bar to the left of the Standard category the, click Edit. The impersonated resource must have permission to act as configured in the other sections on the Edit Security Level page. To attach the new attachment to the notification email, select Include Attachments in Email on the notification panel. Enter the recipient email address in the Email API Token to (optional) field and click Email Token (Optional) The sent email includes the API Key and the server URL to query. They are also not exposed in the API or LiveReports. Saves the note or time entry and opens a new dialog box. Click Get current values to update field values. If the ticket is created from a Datto RMM alert and the Autotask ticket category has a Due Date and Time configured, then we will clear the DueDateTime field on the alert supplied by Datto RMM, and apply the default from the Autotask ticket category. 4. This entity is only used by multi-currency databases. 5. The API will set the impersonated users name and impersonatorCreatorResourceID value as the content creator during create operations. This entity is only used by multi-currency databases. Autotask users manage Tickets through a number of modules including Service Desk, Home, CRM, and Contracts. Refer to WebhookUdfFields (RESTAPI). The Entities list provides a link to additional information about the entity and its standard Autotask fields. This entity's role is to describe any sort of note created by an Autotask user and associated with a Company entity as opposed to a Ticket Note. }
Visit our SOAPAPIlifecycle FAQ article to learn more. Each entity description includes the following information: Note that actions are governed by the permissions of the logged-in end user; for example, although a Company entity allows a create call, the logged-in end user may not have permission to create a Company entity. If the current priority is inactive, update() is allowed if the Priority value is not changed, or if Priority is changed to an active value. To obtain extended information about entities and their field data, use the GET API call. If it does not exist, the ContractIDwill be set to null. You can make this a default setting. When updating a field that has Rich Text, the APIwill return the text-only version of the field. A WorkTypeModifier entity modifies a given Work Type BillingCode. This entity describes an Autotask Quote Item. 'Mine + Accounts' will be treated as 'None.' Update Status on {#} incident(s) (tickets only). Write. This entity's purpose is to describe a transaction where a specified quantity of one Inventory Item entity transfers from the items currently assigned Inventory location to another Inventory location. Yep tried that - on the example given by Autotask it included "Id": "0" on the first line - but it doesn't make any difference. Refer to. For example, when creating a Ticket Note you must supply the id for the Ticket that the note will be associated with. The assets associated with Knowledgebase articles are recorded in this entity. Refer to the previous bullet point. In this section, you add new attachments. The integration user's security level must allow impersonation of the resource. This entity contains the attachments for the TimeEntries entity. For more information on granular ticket security, refer to the Online Help topic: Update() is allowed on a Ticket with an inactive attribute value if that value is not being changed. This object describes notes created by an Autotask user and associated to a Project entity.