The state says its population is well-managed and sustainable. DEC determines desired deer population changes using data on public preferences and deer impacts to forests. West Virginia Department of Natural Resources: big game hunting information. Mule deer are native to the state, and the white-tailed deer were introduced by Idaho Fish & Game in the 1950s to present more hunting opportunities. That brings us to the topic of this article, where we will dive into what the deer population is in each U.S. state, and which types of deer you can find there. The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries says they are an abundant and sustainable game species in Louisiana and the species most targeted by Louisiana hunters.. The states population declined when coyotes returned to South Carolina in large numbers, but it remains stable. However Texas is also home to mule deer, who live in the Trans-Pecos and Panhandle regions. In the April 2020 state wildlife report, estimates put the elk population in the Black Hills at approximately 6,000 - 8,000, and the population in Custer State Park at approximately 460. They seem to be everywhere, but how populous are they? Title. In 2021, the state launched a new initiative to enhance populations of mule deer and white-tailed deer. They are adaptable to a wide range of climate conditions. An article published in November of 2021 in the CT Insider quotes the CT DEEP stating that the three year average for total deer population in the state is 101,000. They also state the greatest density of deer can be found in Rockingham, Hillsborough and Cheshire counties, as well as along the Connecticut River Valley in Grafton County. Alaska Department of Fish & Game: deer hunting information and regulations. There is a great timeline of deer management through the years on the wildlife departments website. The male white-tailed deer will grow a new set of antlers every year. This 2015 article states the Arizona Big Game Management estimated Coues population at about 50,000-60,000 deer. Unlike white-tailed deer, some mule deer are migratory. The rut, which is their mating season, occurs in the fall and the fawns are born in the spring. Hunters in southwest Michigan will be able to use a firearm from Nov. 15, 2020, through Jan. 1, 2021, except for Dec. 1-3. . Damage to crops deer can cause huge amounts of crop damage, eating not only parts of mature plants but also destroying plants at the seedling and budding stages. Some states also have small populations of endemic deer species found only in that state. White-tailed deer and mule deer roam the grasslands and prairies of Wyoming. Courtesy of onX Hunt, here are the eight states in the USA with the highest deer density: Mississippi: 38 deer per square mile. WATCH: Sharks biting alligators, the most epic lion battles, and MUCH more. However in parts of their range, populations have adapted to prairie and savanna land (such as Texas, Arizona and Mexico), tropical or subtropical forests in Central America, and mountain grassland in the Andes of South America. Deer where nearly extirpated from the state by the early 1900s, with only a few thousand left in remote pockets. This is mainly white-tailed deer however there is a small population of mule deer in the state also, about 1,750 3,000. According to data from State Farm, U.S. drivers had 1.9 million animal collision insurance claims in the U.S. between July 2021 and June 2022, down 5.5 percent from the same period a year ago. Even though black-tailed deer are considered subspecies of mule deer, there is still some debate on their origins and they are often counted separately. Other deer related concerns in the state include Lyme disease and deer-vehicle collisions, which are taken to account in the states management practices. But numbers have been on the rise since then, from an estimated 20,000 in 1940 to 700,000 in 2014. Those areas where populations are rapidly increasing are typically urban/suburban areas where the utilization of hunting as a management tool has been greatly hindered. The following section is not related to the 2021 Deer Hunter Survey but is offered as information relevant to the state's deer population. We protect and manage the fish, forest, and wildlife of the state. White-tailed deer are one of three deer species native to North America. Tennessee hunters harvested 159,879 deer in the state this hunting season. Like many other states, Kentucky outlawed deer hunting in the early part of the 20th century. Deer live in every county of the state. Visit our site to view our resource on Estimating Deer Populations on Your Property: Population Dynamics. These sika deer were originally from Japan and were released from private property in Maryland during the early 1900s. Loss of habitat too many deer in a forested area can completely eat through the green understory. The two species live in different parts of the state. A separate mule deer survey put the mule deer population in 2021 at 53,400, so it would appear the large majority of deer in Kansas are white-tailed. 2021 population numbers listed by the state estimate 293,950 mule deer and 212,814 white-tailed deer. They also said that a significant portion of that population was found in east Tennessee. Currently, the estimated deer population in Georgia is 1.27 million. It also says hunters harvest a whopping 280,000 deer each year, on average. State wildlife officials say the actual number may be higher. This 2021 article in the Greenville Sun quoted the states wildlife resource agency as estimating 900,000 white-tailed deer in the state. Emily is an editor and content marketing specialist of five years. But what is their population by state? Overall the state reports the population is currently stable or slightly declining. Field studies from across the United States, including Pennsylvania, show that predators - notably coyotes, bears, and bobcats - prey on white-tailed deer. There are an estimated 35 to 36 million deer in the U.S. Once hunted almost to extinction, they have made a successful recovery. In 2017 the Georgia Wildlife Resources Division reported an estimated population of 1.27 million. I live in the Pacific Northwest and am surrounded by nature. Deer were in trouble in Florida with low populations between the 1700s and 1940s due to unregulated hide trading, hunting and a cattle-fever tick scare that caused mass deer removal. Using Remote Sensed Data to Monitor Mule Deer Population Performance: Mark Hurley: 10:25-10:55 AM: . While caribou, elk and moose are all Cervids, that is members of the deer family, we are not discussing them in this article. The Mississippi State University Extension says only Texas has a larger deer population. The states fish and game page describes mule deer as boom and bust, meaning their populations can vary quite a bit year to year based on environmental conditions such as drought. California Department Fish and Wildlife: Deer Harvest Requirements. Browse, which is a collective term for shoots, twigs, leaves, and buds. Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department: white-tailed deer hunting information. Deer Gestation Period: How Long Are Deer Pregnant? Ohio's average harvest compiled from the past three seasons is 184,746 deer. The main deer population in Utah is mule deer, with a 2021 estimate of 314,850. In some states, deer are so plentiful that regular hunting is needed to keep a balanced ecosystem. In Mississippi, the deer herd is estimated at 1.75 million animals, which is higher on a deer-per-unit-area basis (density) than any other state, and only Texas has a greater number of deer. Thus far they report that the harvest has not met the numbers they want, and the state is continuing to work on management strategies. Read More Part of what helped this rebound was less agriculture, which allowed the land to revert back to mixed woodland which deer prefer. Deer hunting has become a major industry in Alabama, the state has 33 wildlife management areas totaling over 700,000 acres where white-tailed deer can be hunted with a permit. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks: deer information and hunting guide. Mule deer are found in the central mountains and southern deserts of the state, while white-tailed deer are most populous in the northern forested areas. Many white-tailed deer live in forests and prefer habitat with young growth and forest edge. It was estimated at 376,450 in 2018 but took a sharp decline in recent years. Colorado Parks & Wildlife: Big Game Hunting. When too many deer are in one environment, they can be a detriment by not allowing plants to grow to maturity or even completely wiping out a species of plant from an ecosystem. Upwards of 400,000 deer are hunted in the state each year. Hawaii Division of Forestry and Wildlife: hunting rules and regulations. The Columbian white-tail is a rare species named after the Columbia River. Each year, DNR compiles county-level deer data across Indiana. When you click and buy we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. Washington has the most variety of deer. They are the mule deer, Coues deer, and Texas white-tail. The white-tailed deer found in Arizona belongs to the subspecies called Coues. The mule deer working group estimates the 2021 mule deer population at 330,700. State wildlife biologists were concerned about damage from these non-native deer, but monitoring programs have found they coexist peacefully with the states native species. Hunting is now an important part in keeping populations managed in the state, especially to help reduce populations in urban areas. In public hunting areas the population is estimated at 950-1050 deer. 2021 seemed to show a higher-than-usual occurrence of epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD), but at the time of writing this article is is unclear if it will significantly impact the states overall deer population. Overpopulation of deer can damage ecosystems by preventing forest regrowth and causing declines in plant diversity. Whereas the size of white-tailed deer can vary greatly, mule deer dont show as much of a difference across their range. The state attracts more deer hunters than almost any other. The population is thriving, and Louisiana permits controlled hunting to manage it. They now live on several Hawaiian islands, and their population is estimated at around 100,000. This represents a 2.4 percent increase in harvest from 2019 (193,073) and is 38 percent below the record harvest established in 2002 (319,902). Three of those are abundant enough to hunt, the white-tailed deer, mule deer and black-tailed deer. They are most populous in states like Georgia, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, and New York, but they are slowly infiltrating other areas like Alaska as well. All of Alaskas deer are black-tail deer. When Europeans first came to America, they found deer a plentiful resource in most states. Maryland also has a population of sika deer. There are an estimated 36 million deer in the United States. As the largest of the lower 48 states, Texas has lots of room for deer. Population estimates for recent years put the white-tailed deer numbers around 850,000 1 million. The Wisconsin DNR annually estimates the size of deer populations in each deer management unit (DMU). Deer in the suburbs are well-known for eating the nice flowers and shrubs youve spent time planting in your yard. Ohio Department of Natural Resources: hunting and trapping regulations. Iowa has produced some of the largest bucks in the history of our country. Title. I could not find an exact count that was more recent, however based on estimated deer harvest numbers the total population in Florida as of 2019 may be closer to 550,000. Like many other states with healthy deer populations, Delaware uses managed hunting to control population levels. Since losing its mountain lions and wolves, the state depends on hunting to keep the population under control. Once present in only a few counties, they are now abundant in each of the states 95 counties. All this brings us to today. Overall outlook: "Unless there is a significant EHD event, deer populations and the deer kill across most of the state should be stable to increasing," Matt Knox, deer project coordinator with the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, wrote in his 2022 forecast. Georgia Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) Current Deer Management Plan, 2015-2024; Deer Management Plan 2005-2014; Urban Deer Management Plan 2005-2014; Controlling Deer Damage; DNR Deer Restocking 1928-1974 Based on hunting data the white-tailed deer population in 2017 was about 135,000. Thank you for reading! We couldnt find any hard numbers and its likely an estimate has not yet been made. Hunting, Research, and Management. By 2000 the deer population in the state was estimated at 1.75 million. All of Pennsylvanias deer are white-tails. I am a freelance writer with 22 years of experience. Black-tailed deer have a white patch on rump, which their tail mostly covers. Arkansas nearly lost its deer population. Kansas is home to two kinds of deer, white-tailed deer and mule deer. State Farm says in any state, the risk of hitting a deer doubles in the fall, when the animals are mating. Slow down. Today, they are an important game animal and a key part of the states ecosystems. Population has been on a slow increase for many years. Georgia Wildlife Resources Division: deer hunting information. This is quite a noticeable decline from the population high of 250,000 seen in 1988. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. In 1960, there were 22 deer management areas and most deer seasons were only 2 to 4 weeks, with the longest at 56 days.