No problem. No one had a bad thing to say about her and honestly believe shes in that extreme minority of human beings that are inherently and intrinsically GOOD people. Thank you for sharing this, I don't care how accurate it was. I want people to know that you also had an amazingly strong and smart Mom who not only cherished you but also tragically lost you to a demon that she was powerless to fight against and so were you.. that she lost you far too soon.. which broke her heart and not long aftershe tragically lost your brothers too.Your life may of taken a wrong turn and you got too lost too find your way back but that was not your whole story. Those things would be great, I just wanted to be there when others werent so they had a safety net at all times. No problem.. Teri, Mark Arms girlfriend, was maybe going to live there and then Chad from RHCP did for a little bit but they all had their issues. Dave. Hey would call her to be around him and of course she would eventually relaps and hed kick her to the curb. I didnt want to say too much about myself when you are facing so many scary health problems but my stepfather died 2 weeks ago of lung cancer. It was hard to tell because as many times as he said it was over, she was still going around town telling everyone that they had gotten married. I listen to Chloe Dancer and think of how I want my life to be as beautiful as that song. Moreover, his body's autopsy and toxicology report revealed that Layne was laying two weeks before the police found him in his Seattle condo. People dont seem to understand how much Demri suffered the last 2-1/2 years of her life spent mostly in hospital several times on life support given hours to live or that she didnt complain and was always more concerned about others than herself. Barbara, Hi ~ Demri was staying with a friends Dad trying to kick by the time I got out so she could come stay at my parents while I recovered from surgery and she had to be clean to do that. Drugs was his escape to find what he was longing forlove. Id love to hear your take on any of them if you do read them though. (Just noticed this now.) thanks for enjoying the post, i think at some point in the future i'll write a longer one with more details (especially positive ones), it feels impossible to do her justice in just a few paragraphs, The last of your months ..days ..none of this matters? Mad Season released only one album, Above, in March 1995. When he came back from tour he moved back in until the band went down to do Rock in Rio. Jerrys almost entirely about money, or at least he was 3 years ago. To Barbara or Darin do either of you know if Demri was capable of having another surgery or not? To be honest Leah.. Again, another puzzle piece that helps to clarify who these wonderfully talented, beautiful, yet flawed human beings really were. Demri's birth in Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington, in the United States of Americas Pacific Northwest. For opening your heart with all of us, for sharing your love and passion for Demri, for making her not being forgotten Demri and I share the same birthday. As a result, there is a last photo that was published in 1998 and one final photo that was taken in 2002, just weeks before his death. They were eventually engaged to be married. Now you may say that he was just fed up with waiting for Layne to find solid ground once and for all, and I could totally understand that, but youd be missing the point. I dont think you do not know the dimension of your work. . She did not come here to learn any lessons she came to teachshe taught unconditional LOVE and from what I can tell she continues to do so..Do not place any attachment or story to my mothers headstone for Dem that story will come out after my mom is no longer around.. that is another story Thanks for the oppurtinity to set a few things straightI know the misinformation did not come from you sorry if I appeared to be venting perhaps I was a little. Prayers are with you at this Holiday time. Wed hide and they would sit on the porch for hours to the point Demri almost got evicted so she let them in. She had been clean for a little while before she went in and shot heroin with that guy she was dating. Im all up for experimenting with certain things with responsability but heroine, cocaine, meth and those kind of drugs are out of the question. I know none will be truly right until you and Darrin perhaps right one but for now could you guide me to what you feel is ok?? They didnt want people to be too scared to call them. That would mean everything to me. Thank you again, Layne. Thank you so much for sharing your stories. For me, I was blesse dot have been there when it all happened ( Im from L.A. I am very sorry about your lossI hate cancer and congrats on doing good, keep strong. He started doing this whole big martyred thing in the press Im standing by Layne, even though its making me sufferrrrrrr! but in private he was slipping the knife in. if you knew what junkies were like you wouldn't be romantising this shite. I miss you, Demri. She was a very interesting character and Im sad that she went down the dark path she did. Also you dont party on heroin you longing about, nodding out, maybe drooling on yourself, and falling asleep in the middle of a sentence. He really freaked out over Kurt a few months before that. Pictures of Demri Lara Parrot. Also how she would decorate her hospital room with the same. He was in the middle of drawing a very cool cartoon for him when he died. Back in April when Rachel heard Demri had a zero % chance to live she made a B-Line to the hospital to make sure, as it was questioned repeadily and probably gave Demri incentive to live. Layne and Alice in Chains bassist Mike Starr were watching television on April 4, 2002, the day before Staley died of a heroin overdose. As for Mike Starr, if youre wondering, he was living in a crappy old apartment (same building that I used to live in,) with his father. Im sure we all have that person that has this strange magnetic effect on us and we dont exactly know why. I know we all hear this and we all have been told over and over to stay away from drugs but I wish I could drill it into kids heads who might consider trying it. Its so sad to hear that she wasnt in one place for long. (then going to work on my singing. REED HUTCHINSON (Feast guitarist) Before Layne was going out with Demri, I got to know her through I think she, Nancy, and Mike Starrs mom have been through hell. More information. I dont know who wrote it but if it was Kathleen I would guess that she could not mention everyone and I bet a lot of important people were not mentionedbecause only Demri really knew who mattered the most to her just like you only know who is really important to you. I read somewhere that he was still living there during the Mad Season days and then I read somewhere else that he bought another condo in 94. Previous Next. On the slim chance you ever read this, just know that even in 2017 there are people who still cherish the GOOD memories of that time, way back in the day when grunge was still in its innocenceto this day I get chills listening to AiC, Soundgarden, Mother Love Bone. In 2017, 81,000 Americans tried heroin for the first time. He lived through it, but they were kicked out of the apartment. I know many Alice In Chains fans dislike her because she got Layne into heroin. So that would be nice. Its such a shame that these 2 talented people were taken from their families and friends at such young ages. She also refused to take Laynes money, and had to make her own money herself. Ya I mess up and say it (we had nicknames) but also it was to motivate her to add a little fuel under her butt and remember she had a purpose for being here. I have the second version and it was at the bookstore and we got it for like $20 or so. Have you read David de Solas book on Alice in Chains? I meant she never *tapped out* not tapped it Ugh! WTF are you talking about? I know youve lost several, so hard to take, but your only daughter was trying to teach unconditional love for everyone. Not anymore thou. On drugs and needing the klonapin I am sure she didnt discourage his feelings but more so she didnt want to hurt his feelings. I have always speculated that the girl he was referring to was her. Thanks again!! I was here many years ago and it has really come a long way. I didnt even know it was even possible to be that naturally beautiful. When she struggled with addiction she ended up homeless, often couch surfing from place to place and staying with different friends and family before moving on, and carrying most of her valuable things in her suitcase. I believe that their friendship was love as well as drug based. It was copied and posted to several different places. I have read that Demris mom is an Addiction Counselor. I think he lived with Ian at the warehouse on They dated for 2 years after getting together in Mar 1988. Those pictures are breathtaking. Demri was in and out of the hospital for the last couple of years of her life. I see a lot of conjecture and guessing about the nature of these relationships and its bugged me for years. They have many members,some who knew Layne personally,and they are always being updated with member participation. Someone who took many drugs, uppers, downers,narcotics, yet she always tried to better herself, in acting, in life. People just want to feel happiness again. Demri always and forever a wild wood pixie. I love you still, sweetheart, and Im so sorry. For my own sobriety I need to stay away from addicts. Also, you mentioned the pain she was in, & how her mother, Kathleen tried so much to help. Sure looks like Demri. I respect that. I cant get it to paste & post, but at least the other two are still here However so. The book was poorly written. Omg, those TIGHTS! She is proud of us the same way we are proud of her, and she loves us as we love her. Yes, she introduced Layne to heroin, yes, they both got caught up in it, but she didnt want to stop, though Layne tried. People call to make sure they are listed in the Thank Yous on an album. Lanegan was really sick for a while and Layne was like a Florence Nightingale. I just wanted to share my story because i dont think alot of heroin addicts think about the other consequences that iving heroin can cause such as endocarditis. Its nice to see this page and realize how much she was loved. There was no question about that. But when people are addicted to heroin, they have to want to stop or you cant really help them. Alice In Chains frontman Layne Staley and model Demri Parrott's relationship started as a fairytale but turned out a tragic love story that people can still remember. Around 98, Mark Lanegan was living with Layne. Then Demri starts to get sick, and shes in the hospital many times, her heart, her lungs. I think about 95% of it had to do with shame over what he had become. you can find these new pics on the Instagram account called memoriesofdemri . Then there was some stuff with his mother that I just cant share here. I started writing this journal online because writing about losing you all has helped to heal my broken heart when nothing else did. I was into the grunge scene since my brother first brought home a copy of Nirvana Nevermind in 1991. Alice in Chains guitarist Jerry Cantrell took care of the cat Sadie when Layne died. The surgeon wants me to prove ive been clean for 9 months before she will do it. She said she believes her daughter was there that night to be there with Layne as hes doing his transition.. Almost makes me ache (being a parent of two girls already). Demri didnt have money she combed the carpet and started using again. Stay strong, stay strong, you can beat this. I dont update it much because Ive basically said all I have to say and it was the most healing thing I ever did. She was really sweet and really cool. It is heartbreaking the way Layne died and was not found for 2 weeks. I moved thousands of miles away, he changed his email address and, though we spoke on the phone a few times since then it was only about little things. Theyd have taken her by the arms, and said, The fabric alone I spent thousands on which in the 80s is a lot, considering everyone else in that scene was flat broke. Maybe someday I will write that book but as of right now I do not have any concrete plans to do that.. and if I ever did write a book it would be about MY life not just theirs and then I would include stories that involved them but I could never write just a book about them.. to me that would be..weird, wrong possibly? She had dark brown eyes and dark brown hair (color). Boredom plays a role and if your a recovering addict you have to keep yourself busy. Bless you. She had been using off and on for a few months. She has been an extremely impressionable part of my lifeand it warms my heart to see her honored. All the sources for the information Ive obtained are from her friends or family, so I trust them. When he came out, he assumed that she was asleep. Demri was well known and had numerous friends that she touched with her charismatic and enchanting personality. when the crew were dealers too. Geez pretty uncomfortable and geeky but thats why I loved them they were so far from what you would imagine a rock star would be like.. just normal guys who had normal insecurities. She had three younger half-brothers from her mothers side, Devin Remme, and Derek and David Murphy; and a younger half sister from her biological fathers side, Christa Dougherty. I dont think that her and Layne had a healthy relationship and I dont think it should be idealised. As a loved one, you have to be alert. Please go to a support group. Take care and Thanks so very much again for keeping this site up and running. For those of you who don't know, Layne Staley, the singer of Alice in Chains, was in the long time relationship with Demri Lara Parrot who sadly died in 1996 from drug overdose. Not just a story about Layne and Demri. Haha! I cant say I know much about her, but in the end, I hate the idea of romanticizing two junkies seemingly feeding off of each other. Ive been thinking a lot lately about Andrew, Demri, Layne etc, because Im currently waiting for a bed to open up at a detox facility to hopefully help me kick this awful ten-year addiction to painkillers. I would stay with Layne and Demri sometimes, and I had laid on their floor kicking for a couple of days. Layla, Ummmm people still have lives to live sir, No need to apologizeIt just shows you careI was just giving you another way to think of it but not like the person behind me answeredsaying others have lives to live etcthat is selfish and narcissistic as you know what! That being said im not a crazed obsessed fan but I am aware of Demri and read her story through Barbara and Darin about 10 years ago right after my heroin addiction started. You are a survivor and your story is so important, especially to those that struggle xx, Hi Barbara, just wanted to share this video with you, just in case this photo in it is Demri Maybe Ill find a little peace now even without credibility, just like you always thought was possible. Which is one thing people whove never been addicted to opiates dont always understand and maybe never can. I stumbled across it by chance. Just not interested in other peoples opinions or stories, they bore me. But I guess no matter how sick she was during her last year- she was still beautiful for sure, on the outside and on the inside. He seemed to think that because he never shot heroin he was better than Layne. Demri Parrott passed away in October of 1996, one of the worst things to ever happen to Layne Staley. The song say hello to heaven. That all makes total sense. If so, what kind. Alice in Chains manager Susan Silver told journalist Greg Prato in his book Grunge Is Dead: The Oral History of Seattle Rock Music that she was the one who went to Laynes apartment to tell him that Demri had died. Just some random thoughts I had. She must be a really strong lady. Its like being high on life and thats what everyone should strive for because though life can be scary and ugly, it also can be beautiful depending on how you look at things. Are there any photos of Demri during the last year of her life? Addiction to herion, several heart operations leading to a pig valve heart as the last resort for survival, my own mother would have given up on me & say, You deserve to die. In contrast, Demris mother supported her through all the hospital stays, and was there for her in the end. His body took a while to die, but his spirit lived on, as did Demris, after her passing. My mother overdosed and died 2 years before Layne. Adalsteinn, thank you so much for your kind comment so many years ago Thats probably the biggest lesson her legacy has taught me. Why do you think it is so hard to stop? Demri in 1996 and Layne in 2002. Ward was when Layne went on tour and he quit paying rent there. For me, I was blesse dot have been there when it all happened ( Im from L.A. No drug dens. Layne loved what they had done, he thought Jerry did it on purpose. Greetins from Brazil!:). You know that feeling you get throughout your body when you accomplish a goal and you are gratified? Who knows why, ours is to respect their will. Layne had admitted that he was mostly finished with show business. then announces the song say hello to heaven. I was jealous of the model dip**** and I hated her. I have nooo clue i would never have imagined in a million years Id be doing what Im doing today if I was asked back thenI have 3 kids.. When did you lose hope, though? A little history for those who do not already know.. Demri Lara Parrott was engaged to Layne Staley of Alice in Chains which was a very well known rock band in the 1990's but there is so much more to Demri.. she was an artist herself, a model and . RIP Demri and Layne. She had been in and out of the hospital a lot, and I am sure her mother did everything she could to help her. I remember the first time I heard AIC I was living close to the beach and just started smoking weed and I surfed every day. I too lost a sister. Makes total sense that D and L were soulmates. They were engaged in 1992 but later separated in 1994. It helped me get the guts to start learning to play guitar, something Ive wanted to do for a long time! I have some copies of her poetry. Austin got that bear back after it was found in Layne's. Addicts are a triggers for me so 12 step meetings are not good for me but they work for a lot of people at least in the beginning stages they worked for me too. It is not worth your life and the heartbreak of your family just to see what its like. For the first time in 10 yrs im doing good! My daughter was actually a big reason why I fell into darkness because her mom was making my life miserable and it made me feel absolutely worthless and then I would get high bc then I wouldnt think about it. Was it the greater love that made them sole matesdrugs? On the other hand I also dont flatter myself that I could have done something for him; I just dont know if I was that important. And Layne tried it, and he said that was the first time he really thanked God.