you may be doing nothing wrong yet everyone is sensitive to your actions, if not, simply your presence. we can talk at a later time. and walk away - anything that happens after that statement is not your fault you are okay and you spoke your mind and that is something to be proud of! go on a yoni or phalanx retreat. the natal planet or the persona planet? @loonaticpoe i have recently done both leo and 5h please look for my response to amethystmooon, @a-d-nox okay thanks ! they may hate rivalries with others. mercury (gemini or virgo) ruled 7h - no, i wouldnt count degrees in this. i implore you to read the mars and pluto aspects to see what resonates! It is not necessary that the house placement of 7th ruler must always indicate the environment or how you meet them. form strong harmonious aspects, are in prominent houses) in your natal chart, that can indicate fame in your lifetime. and a 4h stellium in the persona chart greatttt (he was just trying to herd his sheep). it takes time. Gemini (Saturn in the 9th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons mostly into your life through higher education, religion, spiritual journies, long distance travel, views of the world and philosophies. negative aspects: you may have trouble expanding your perception of what occurs around you. Eucharis can not leave Calypso so the two find their love interrupted by their duty. medusa was viewed as emotionally remote until poseidon happened, then she was constantly emoting. if you have issues with blood you are not alone - i hate getting blood drawn (my recent trip to the ER, i needed an IV and the guy was like scared? i implore you to read the uranus and saturn aspects to see what resonates! spend time with the women you trust and feel safest with. naives may feel as though they lack freedom or have too much of it and feel rather alone and that no one cares for them in this world. because sun=ego and saturn obviously doesnt agree with your self image and ego so he tries to be bitchy abt it, -sun/moon conjunct venus in the composite chart can indicate a type of we are meant to be love, -taurus venus in the composite chart can indicate a type of love where expectations dont meet reality and it can be very materialistic. the sooner you report it, the more likely that justice can be served. Many believed he died from the arrow wound - some believe that it was multiple people who may have come for him, that their was an attempt to remove the arrowhead, and that his body was moved to the higher, snowier elevation. if it is something illegal (*group* related) and you find you cant just leave please reach out, other resources exist in the system. that being said, i find that a lot of venus retrograde people struggle to come to terms with their sexuality and oftentimes clothing is used to shelter it. its a bit much, yes? it may even be a struggle to start dating - they may be late to the dating realm or getting into a relationship compared to those around them. my bryon is opposite neptune so i have no clue if this makes my poetry shitty lol? retrograde is when an object appears to move backward or appears smaller when in reality, it is doing what it always does. Details about your life partner can be procured from this . DNA can be telling as to what you may experience - when DNA is damaged it leads to cell death or apoptosis. endometriosis or endo, the shortened named, causes severe pain due to a build up of irregularly grown tissue or scar tissues built up in a womans uterus. Especially if its crossing over the degree of your Imun Coeli (IC) point. etc. you may find yourself being punished for the wrongdoings of this person. they may be extremely ruthless or lack a spine when it comes to asserting themselves. For example, my sun is 3 in Virgo, and my boyfriends sun is 8 in Aries. medusa-jupiter: you may feel safest when you feel like you have received a lot of luck recently, in religious settings, around your husband, at university, when traveling, and/or when indulging in life, but these situations may cause you danger. this could reflect those who medusa worked with in the athenian temple. where bella is for me and how it affects me personally: 8h in libra at 29 - bruh its not easy being this sexy. paper cut. after talking with the person who i needed to fix things with or getting the object mended - do i feel like this object/relationship was worth the time and energy expending? i actually grew up disliking christmas and was kind of seen as the scrooge or grinch of the family (santa square uranus). thank you for the compliment!! And one can find the perfect match with the help of marriage horoscope by name. ill sleep when im dead type of vibes. What this could entail is a time of financial scarcity, finally when it all comes together you find yourself regretting certain financial losses. you may feel like fate has guided you somewhere, quite often into the spotlight in both good and bad ways. whereschulz is for me and how it affects me personally:1h in aries at 27 in retrograde - i feel like i grew up on these comics and even the holiday specials. Love Marriage Astrology A GOOD THREAD OF LOVE: If in the morning Venus is once again in the Mars sign in conjunction with Uranus, it can also crash at some dark corners and ends of the general relationship landscape. dont give up on finding your people - they are out there! on the plus side, you may have nice hair, a stunning face, and piercing eyes. negative aspects: you will likely find yourself being aggressively pursued by masculine figures during your lifetime. lmao but for real i feel like i am getting prettier with age if that makes sense? this would be something youd do - everything you do is with thought and purpose. bella squares neptune for me so sometimes i experience a dysmorphia regarding my beauty - looking in a mirror or seeing a picture of me sometimes really irks me. this could be backed by my aldrin quintile mercury and square saturn. FOR ALL THE GODS SAKES PLEASE SEND ME A PICTURE OF WHAT WE ARE LOOKING AT. but u haven't even mentioning in posts? cleanse your space, declutter, and go through old contacts/following list it is time to remove the things that no longer serve you. rest and care for yourself - have a lot of downtime, eat well, and do low-intensity exercise. This is a harder time to conceive a child if you are trying, a long process of adoption or surrogacy, difficulty with fertility, or distance between you and a partner are common. you likely quickly reaction to situations where you are in danger but may find the place you feel safest and most protected is actually not. Astrological Indicators of Marriage Our hypothesis In this study, the Astro Investigators examine the astrological aspects between natal charts of married couples to determine if astrology has a role in making a marital commitment. Truth is being exposed, and people band together to transform what no longer serves us. If youre in school this could be a graduation into a harsher reality, standardized testing, or grades slipping through, and sleepless nights trying to muster up the words you want to say to express the thoughts running through your mind. practice active listening to others - you may be a realist while some one else is a dreamer, a healthy balance is somewhere in between. Composite charts are all about the relationship. In current so called modern society, the definition of marriage has changed and sometimes marriages are being pursued just out of personal greeds which lead to marital discord between couples. the 5h with a venus ruled degree is well deserved for this authors placement in my chart (i tend to look at the placement of creatives as though it is telling me that i would or do like the creatives work - you could look at any writers asteroid like that including byron who we talked about in this post). whelp, think of it this way: even after death, she gets her redemption and is viewed as iconic. Lova is an asteroid with no known origin but is most similar to the word lover. you likely will attract a lot of the publics attention. another very odd example is currency; even those who are famous with minor aspects between this asteroid and mars have been featured on coins! In ths aspect, Juno is similar to Venus and Libra. your charisma also attracts a lot of interesting people into your world. show up somewhere late for the early bird and show up somewhere early for the late comer. For you to have a healthy subconscious state you need to understand the importance of what it means to be alone. but what if thats not enough? if youd like my input on your placements/aspects of these asteroids feel free to comment them or dm me! sure thing, lets talk about it! self-care when you feel you need someone and no one is there: watch a comedy movie BUT if it life-threatening, please call or text a hotline like 988! having a busy mind like yours, like I said, causes your thoughts to be read by others in a nonverbal manner. i feel like this fits the retrograde and the aries child-like energy. you may be viewed as different in a very harsh way that causes ostracizing and exile. He is considered the most diversified well-learned person to have lived. funnily enough, you are likely not a crowd person - it likely makes you rather uncomfortable to have so much attention. The 10th house is the house of karma. Thank you. ALRIGHT! 2nd house/lord- longevity of spouse, family life. so you too may be someone who speaks with your eyes and your body. * Jupiter conjunct/Trine/Sextile venus * Juno Conjunct/Trine/Sextile Venus where dostoevsky is for me and how it affects me personally: 5h in cancer at 14 - bruh i vibe with fyodor. all that being said you may have an odd relationship with motherhood - whether it is your mother or you that caused distance is the big question. Dominant Houses: when you have three or more planets in one house (especially the sun or moon), that house can point to where the focus of the relationship lies. xx. give me all the political and spiritual existentialism. power to them may be or look like something to be destroyed or something that is too over the top, like a dictatorship. He is thought to be the greatest of his time in fact he was nominated for many awards but sadly he never won any of them. aries (1, 13, 25): you may notice that people are drawn to you energetically. #Marriage in astrology on Tumblr Latest cosmicpuzzle Follow 7th Ruler and Meeting Spouse So on request from one of my follower, I decided to make this post. It may be hard for you to feel as if what youre saying has worth and power during this time, and there lays a heavy burden within this, communication in your life and understanding may be lacking from the people closest to you. this house is likely to reflect long-term relationships with those you find like-minded. you are someone who reacts - you like this famed gorgon would never go down without a fight. 1h: you, like medusa, may have great hair, and, if you dont believe so, it may just be a bit wild and curly. medusa-moon: you may feel safest in your family, at the ocean, with your mother/feminine figures, at home, and/or in the middle of nowhere (farmland), but these situations may cause you danger. sleep, relax - a few lazy days never killed anyone OR have a lowkey day a walk instead of a run, meal prep. They are guided by their tender, loving, and protective hearts. listen to new music. you may find that you too gain a lot of praise and attention when you do things for others or put their needs first. my answer: intuition and experience with other peoples charts that i have available to me. Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. positive aspects: you may have a lot of sex appeal without even trying. these people typically have a different taste in music compared to everyone else - they may only listen to jazz or classical or something rather underground OR their taste in music doesnt appear to match them at all. Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, Kris Kringle, or Santa is the Western Christian icon who is believed to bring children gifts on Christmas Eve. they may feel as though no one sees their skills or appreciates their talents. 8h: lets get the triggering portion cleared - this is the house of sex and medusa was raped. not long after, poseidons children crawled out of her served neck. His harbinger statement occurs when he tells Alice why he and the March hare are essentially stuck in never ending tea time. they may not be devoted to others after the others do something extremely kind to them. (Capricorn shows architects) Mars in 10th individuals is usually shown in successful doctor's natal charts. Physically, watch for problems with the sexual organs. they may also experience paranoia or social anxiety worrying about what others think and feel towards them. Your social life can also experience a decrease, finding it hard to enjoy company or a physical distance. A loss of a pet may be possible during this transit. where DNA is for me and how it affects me personally: 10h in capricorn at 2 - please tell me you arent shocked about that placement after that analysis ^^^.