"Colombia now is the country with the most progressive abortion laws in Latin America and the . Then you can get down to business. Colombia has the largest amount of unique wildlife in any part of the world. I now speak Spanish with locals even though I know I might say or pronounce something wrong, but that doesnt stop me anymore from speaking. But since braces arent a thing that every Colombian can afford, they are wearing them proudly and at all ages. Be polite and cover tattoos, respect "no photograph" signs, and don't turn your back on him. Ask for directions from a passerby and if they dont know they still will tell you something like three blocks ahead and to the right. But PALEEZE can we get on with it? Thanks a lot for highlighting them. Tweet this. Take, for example, one popularly referenced law: You may not tie an alligator to a fire hydrant in the state of Michigan. They love to dress them up with a Colombia shirt or another cute little outfit. In addition, Colombia has has more public holidays than most countries with a total of 18 holidays during the year. Overall hygiene is very important to Colombian culture from what I gather irrespective of class. more efficent: Santos. Ireland. Ive been to many Spanish speaking countries and if Ive learned one thing its that saying por favor, con permiso and gracias are VERY important and can open a lot of doors. I guess, for some things it is just not possible to have a rule for, that 100% fits. The article was especially to talk about things that foreigners may consider as weird, unusual or different. However, in 1966, Victoria, Australia, proved 20 th -century people could be just as miserable as their ancestors by passing anti-kite legislation. In fact, you cannot even play a game in a public place if it annoys someone else. Chewing gum in Singapore Matt Ragen/Shutterstock The controversial ban went into effect in August 2018. If a child burps during church, his parent may be arrested. In my time in Medelln, I have noticed several things Colombians do that foreigners may find weird or even funny. Sometimes they will tell you, that theyre on their way. The good folks over at Olivet Nazarene University put together an infographic of some of the most outrageous, confusing and downright weird legislation instilled around our . The list of celebrations in Colombia seems to be endless. The following resources include primary and secondary legal reference materials, as well as government and non-government websites that provide access to free online legal information about Colombia. They might just dont know the answer to that question and probably wont tell you that they dont know. this isnt just a Colombian thing. In Australia's southeastern tip of Victoria, home to Melbourne, it is illegal to fly a kite in a public space if it bothers another person. Ive been following your website for some time now and finally got the courage to go ahead and give you a shout out from Huffman Texas! and just for completeness, the breads in the first photo on the left is Almojabana and right is Pan de Yuca. The law wasn't for safety, but rather that men wouldn't dare walk around town in a Speedo, so if he wears a Speedo in the water, it surely would be cleaner than something he may have been wearing all day long. Thanks for your comment Bob. There are plenty of urban legends and fake state laws circulating around the internet. What an individual can dispose . The law . A true travel insurance claim story Here's a tip: Never pat a monkey, even if it's on a leash: they can be vicious. 03 February 2017 The artwork has to be approved as art, so hanging a picture sketched on a Post-It won't do. Tibetan Buddist monks are not allowed to reincarnate after they die unless they have been granted permission from the government. This means that you will be forced to let it mellow until the morning. You'd think this law was passed a hundred years ago and is now obsolete, but in reality, it was passed in 2009 and is occasionally enforced. The colors of the Colombia flag are yellow, blue and red. There have been some things posted that I experienced and was not surprised by or thought but maybe some of that is because my wife is Colombian. In case you are wondering, the same law states you cannot have a loaded firearm on you while drunk. I have met a few that are very punctual. Maybe because I have many Hispanic friends. Sorry ladies (and gents), but Russia doesn't want you wearing anything lacy underneath your clothing. For quite some time, I have enjoyed reading all the articles and comments. It's also a crime to dye a dog's hair for aesthetics, so no pink poodles here. (We have to admit, that's a pretty good rule.). Note the above photo is Colombians celebrating Christmas, something that Colombians do on a completely different level. Find out more here, Tel: +44 (0) 161 818 8864 info@eslstarter.com Skype: eslstarter. In 2011, a Swiss man was fined more than $100 for his bare-bottomed walk. If you are riding an animal or a carriage pulled by animals, you must honor all traffic laws. From the suburbs right into the centre of the city, Bogota is covered in cyclists and cycle lanes. Fun stuff ! Muy bien tambien (At this oint Im thinking okay, now down to business to buy that chocolate bar) Children are technically not supposed to go trick-or-treating on October 31st. Tall dandelions and other weeds are banned in Pueblo Large dandelions in southern Colorado. The time depends on the region. It's illegal to leave dog waste on the isle of Capri in Italy, as in many places. Colombians will rather tell you a story of why something doesnt work, instead of just saying No. . Apparently, any other time of year is okay for a water gun fight, but if you go for New Year's, shop owners won't sell you the plastic toy. 21 air conditioning is everywhere. In Canada, it's now legal to engage in oral sex with your pet. If you are a fluent English speaker who craves a casual, laid-back lifestyle among a welcoming host nation, then why not teach English in Colombia? The original owner of the bees will not be prohibited from pursuing the fugitive bees as long as they are on land that is not fenced or cultivated.. But if you are married, it's just one glass of wine for you. But a note will typically be on the bill that says that it isnt mandatory to pay the propina (tip). Their love to cheese goes so far, that they put it nearly on and in almost everything. India TV brings to you 10 weird and bizarre sex laws that might shock you: 1. Germany banned making any loud, excessive noises during quiet hours which are typically between 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. Countries like Malta and Lebanon have strange laws against women. Theres most probably gonna be some cheese on it. Most often its meant to be cute or nice, especially once they add ito or ita at the end and they are even used as terms of endearment. Just another funny and unusual thing I get to see in Medelln. In other words how are you doing? Officials claim the ban helps to properly identify people during crowded events, should anything negative happen and someone need to be identified. The country is now one of the safest in South America, imposes short-term laws to avoid violence and has eradicated its drug-fuelled past to create an absolutely beautiful place to live, visit and teach in. Arepas taste lot better with cheese mixed into the dough. Take the following laws with a grain of salt, as they are truly bizarre. In France, drivers are legally required to carry a portable Breathalyzer in their vehicle. The majority of the diversity of Colombias wildlife lives in the dense Amazon rain forest, contributing to its mega diverse status. In most parts of the Caribbean islands it is illegal to wear camouflage. OMG Name calling. To keep beaches clean and beachgoers healthy, Portugal has banned peeing in the ocean. 3 . Here are some of the most random and unique laws in Colorado, in no particular order: 1. I think you nailed the true meaning of mono. I have been trying to figure this out for three years now living in Cali. The bottom line is that the things Colombians do that foreigners may find weird or just funny or unusual are from our point of view. Below is a compilation of eight strange laws from the Bayou State. If you're caught without this gadget in your car, you'll be expected . To figure out the difference between a real answer and an I want to help you so badly but I dont know answer can be challenging at the beginning. Article 8, law 88 of 1923: With the exception of soft drinks and beer with an alcohol content at or below 4%, in accordance with the provisions of this act, the sale of fermented beverages is prohibited between the hours of 6PM to 6AM, and on Sundays and public holidays.. 1. Not only can you not toss confetti in Mobile, Alabama, but it is illegal to possess, keep, store, use, manufacture or sell it within city limits. If any person calls a woman a name that suggests she isn't chaste, whether she is married or single, that person can be found guilty of slander. All Rights Reserved. Having retired and moved to Cali three years ago, I can agree that the cultural differences are many. The ruins are nearly 2,500 years old, so be respectful and wear some soft-soled shoes when you visit. We know that people in different states have very different opinions on how certain foods should be eatenjust look at the country's wild variety of sandwich . The Christmas season in Colombia unofficially tends to start on December 7, which is known as Da de las Velitas (Day of Candles). You can't wake a sleeping bear to take a selfie. But it would be boring if you would know everything already and everything was the same, right? And don't even think of walking to a gas station; you'll get another fine for that! Cheese, I fond the these not neutral but just more creamy. The cuddly little bear all stuffed with fluff also gasp! Im easy and fluid when it comes to exchanging greetings but I tend to the short and sweet approach and get down to the business at hand such as ordering or paying for something. Save for Sumo wrestlers, in an effort to prevent obesity in its citizens, Japan created the Metabo Law. You will be surprised how tasty things can be that may sound or look weird. 2. FLOWERPOTS. Please dont take it in a negative way, different doesnt mean bad at all . Thats daily life here in Colombia and with every age group. Tsk, tsk. Its very common in Colombia to find this out when asking for directions. if there is no driver. But thanks for the input. Learning the language is one thing, but learning about the culture is completely different. Germans believe you have the power to keep your car properly gassed up, so if you run out of gas, it's your own fault. In order for me to make this Colombia's best travel guide, I have to mention Minca, which is located in the highlands of the country. It's illegal to kill Bigfoot Bigfoot hunters, beware. This is ironic, given that the town is known for its "Kissing Alley," where the legend of two star-crossed lovers is said to have taken place. Medellin Guru 2018 Year in Review: Our Most Popular Articles, Health Insurance in Colombia: How to Sign up with SURA 2023 Update, How to Obtain a Colombia Marriage Visa 2023 Update, Coronavirus in Colombia: Snapshot of Coronavirus on April 1, COVID-19 Testing in Colombia: Reality About Coronavirus Testing, How to Get to Medelln from the Airport 2022 Update, 20 Best Restaurants in Laureles in Medelln 2022 Update, Parque Arv: The Ultimate Guide to Medellns Parque Arv, Hacienda Napoles: Pablo Escobars Former Estate Turned Theme Park, Scopolamine: The Realities of Devils Breath in Colombia, Comprehensive Guide to Buying and Using Cell Phones in Colombia, Colombias IVA Tax & How Tourists Can Get an IVA Tax Refund. The Cao Cristales river in Colombia get transformed every year into a liquid rainbow, full of incredible bright colours, clashing against the grey rocks, highlighted by the crystal blue waters. *He requested an ice-skating rink should be built near Ashgabat so the people living in the desert could learn to ice skate. Another country trying to combat noise pollution in weird ways is Spain. If a Colombian has to say no, they will avoid the word like it is the plague. Bien (grrrr) We're not sure how many people were planning to die here, but we guess Britain wanted to be safe. A receipt with two totals, one with a tip (27,315 pesos) and one without a tip (25,000 pesos). As a result, Arizona laws afford the same protections and rights to animals as motor vehicles. While they cannot be walked, they must have room to swim. Coffee con leche (coffee with milk) is an after dinner treat for little ones, whilst strong black coffee is the norm for adults. Im from Medelln and maybe I can help you with mono meanings. The worst part is that the law is actually strictly enforced. If you have a potty mouth, be sure it's in check before you visit! And then, you'll be fined. It is illegal to wash your car in the street. But what about laws that don't make any sense? You usually see this behavior in movies. This ban includes any DIY projects or household cleaning that produces loud noises. Since the law in Colombia does not allow to charge tips directly, in Colombia they usually ask you (especially in tourist areas) if they can charge you a tip. Being late. Usually the abuelos grandfathers and abuelas grandmothers will dance, drink and sing on parties together with their grandsons and granddaughters. Fines will be incurred if men have waists over 33.5 inches or 35.4 inches for women. Colombians love cheese. Oh noo!! In most countries, a law enters into force on the date of publication in the official gazette. However, these weird or outlandish laws are actually on the books, whether they're enforced or not.. Sometimes, these laws border on the seriously ridiculous, and other times they point to important cultural values that might be different than your own. There were three ordeals: Ordeal by fire: The accused held a red-hot iron bar in their hands and walked three meters. The following titles link to fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog. Christmas lights inside Parque Norte in Medelln last year. Where Im coming from, people would be really upset to be called Gringo, Gordito or however. Colorado has its fair share of weird rules, some state-wide, some local to a city. This means it cannot cross the road to get to the other side. We use the word weird often to mean different. *When taking your driving license, all the drivers were also required to pass a morality test. I also sampled some amazing cheese wrapped in platanos leaves in Tolima ! One of Mexico's most beautiful pueblos also has one of the country's weirdest laws: no kissing in the street. I recommend to everyone, come with an open mind to Colombia. Those planning to commit a crime in Texas are required by law to provide their victims with 24 hours written or verbal notice. Earlier this year, the British Express reported a man sent an angry message to a car dealer who seemingly did him wrong. In Colombia, the everyday man wears dress shoes, khakis or slacks and long sleeve shirts or polos. While in the U.S., it is common only to drink a single cup of coffee in the morning. About the name-calling I also agree with you. I absolutely love that about the culture but for others it would demand an elevation in their sartorial game if they want to be taken seriously. DON'T TOUCH ELECTRIC WIRES Yes, you are absolutely right about that. Its not just a single day or a weekend. Rather than be a weird law that is no longer used, it's a weird law that isn't enforced but that continues to be relevant. Not only masks, the Danish government wants to stop anyone from covering their faces in any way in public spaces. And always after saying Gracias. Hi Rich! Yes, the dreams of many children everywhere are coming true! Ireland's Defamation Act of 2009 made it illegal to insult religion, either verbally or in writing. Arizona also has a few strange laws related to . We're not sure how they enforce this, but China is known for having some strict laws. Another law, this time from the US state of Vermont, states that women must have their husbands permission to wear false teeth. Despite what may take place in South Beach's world-renowned drag clubs, it is actually illegal for a man to wear a strapless gown in Florida. elderly person etc) but they will ask you if you want to put your shoulder or shopping bag on their knee whether you are young or old. The ban went into place to prevent "traffic accidents" and "public disorder.". If you're caught feeding the pigeons, you could face fines of up to 700. Strange Law 1: It is illegal for persons to hunt game from a moving vehicle, unless the game they are hunting is a whale. While these lists are amusing, they are often riddled with factual inaccuracies. Everyone has called him mono. I came to believe if someone did not know your name, they simply called you mono.. Liked it? This sexist law is due to the belief that alcohol may make a woman more immoral. Article 10 states that all Moroccan laws apply to foreigners in Morocco, although generally this law is not applied so strictly to foreigners, especially if neither is from an Islamic nation. ESLstarter currently offer two programs in this South American gem. the other two Im not sure of. Si, gracias At times they say that but are still laying in bed and havent even showered yet. In Indiana, it's unlawful to take a fish out of the water using your bare hands. They say things like we are leaving at 12, thats 11 brown time . In Victoria, Australia, it's been illegal to fly a kite since 1966. The list of foods in Colombia with cheese seems to be endless. 1. Also, check out the article my husband wrote about our expat story moving to Medelln, how a couple from Switzerland moved to Medelln and are loving Medelln. When you take a selfie with Buddha, you are turning your back on him. Perhaps there were too many reported cases of intoxicated bee keepers allowing their bees to escape? The wrestling matches resulted in the inhumane treatment of the bears, who had their claws and teeth removed so they wouldn't maul their opponents. Many Colombians has no idea what they are celebrating or why, but love to throw lavish parties anyway and enjoy drinking and dancing with friends and strangers alike. On more than one occasion when I was in a hurry and addressing somebody like an Internet repair guy I would start the conversation with, when will it be ready and he would reply, Como estas. Only recognize (and find in google search) Gorditas Not that South Africa has bears, but if it did, it would be illegal to wrestle with them. He was threatened with three weeks in jail for his choice of words. STEALING HORSES. Tweet this. New Year celebrations in Cambodia get so crazy that the capital city of Siam Reap won't allow for the sale of water pistols leading up to and during its big celebrations. Colombians are one of the friendliest people I have ever met. People dont usually give a seat up on packed buses (unless its very obvious ie. Tourist Visas: How to Extend a Tourist Visa in Medelln Coronavirus in Colombia: Snapshot of Coronavirus on Apr Medelln dating tips and advice for foreign men, Medellin Guru weeklyemail newsletters and sign up here, Medellin Guru Second Year Anniversary: Our 20 Most Popular Articles. Not even indecent emojis are allowed. Always make sure that if this person doesnt show up, you already have another plan. "Dumb Laws" Across the United States It Is Prohibited To Harass Big Foot (Washington) In the US state of Washington, it is a crime punishable by either a fine or a jail term to harass big foot, Sasquatch, or any other undiscovered species. Aliviado? ( IC 14-22-9-1 ). If you are tried and convicted of horse theft, the penalty in Florida is still written as death by hanging. Better to get the picture-perfect shot of Venice's beautiful bridges instead. LOL this is a great article. One of the things that stands out to me as being unique is the intentional way Colombians dress and their attention to their appearance. Under employment law in Colombia, employees are entitled to five days of bereavement leave in the event of the death of a parent, in-law, grandparent, sibling, child, spouse, or partner. This stirred up a big debate on whether or not this means flatulence is now a criminal offense. If you ask (especially a stranger) a question, like: where is the nearest supermarket or where can I get a hamburger. Besides that, this is so true lol. But when you're traveling, you certainly don't want to wind up behind bars! 1. The Christmas season in Colombia unofficially tends to start on December 7, which is known as Da de las Velitas (Day of Candles). Amanado? @2008-2019 - Colombia Reports. Listed as part of Summary Offences Act of 1966, the Aussies probably won't mind if you do decide to fly a kite while you visit. Here are some funny, dumb state laws from Nebraska to Wyoming. If you're a single woman in La Paz, Bolivia, drink up! 2. Aww now I want to go back to Colombia for christmas! These things Colombians do you will need to get used to, but thats one of the nice things about foreign countries. Under Article 373 of the UAE Penal Code, "swearing disgraces the honour or the modesty of a person.". And on the Medellin Guru website we previous looked at the top 5 coffee shops in El Poblado and the top 8 coffee shops in Laureles. Thankfully this particular law is no longer enforced, and after the governmental body entrusted in targeting antiquated laws is finished, it might not even be documented anymore. When you have a dog you can enter most restaurants and most stores with it. In Indiana, liquor stores are not allowed to sell cold water or cold sodas. If you don't pick up your dog poop, it may be possible to use DNA testing to determine the identity of your dog. Whenever you get into a cab, it's normal for the taxi driver to be listening to the radio, as a way to make the ride more pleasant for everyone. I retired to Cali three years ago from Houston, Texas with my wife and our 7-year old son. Minca. But how could we survive without our gorditas or our negritos or our blanquitos or our pelotones or our narizn? Because of this, Poland issued a ban on Winnie the Pooh around playgrounds and schools, finding the A.A. Milne character a bit too risqu for the likes of impressionable children. Let me be the first this year to say Merry Christmas. Thats because they usually grow up thinking that saying directly No to somebody might be rude. and Yes, Rich Holman, politeness is essential for foreigner anywhere and know the polite words people will be appreciative and more helpful. Sometimes we all suffer when fools break the rules. Airport taxis across Colombia are regulated, safe and an easy to spot bright yellow color. love from Colombia . NEBRASKA. Thanks Angela. As if the people in Jersey aren't honking enough already. Mothers calling their sons papi and fathers calling their daughters mami. While women across the nations protested, the law is in effect and you can no longer buy lace garments. It is illegal to ride a horse while under the influence. He mentioned to me recently he enjoyed Christmas in Texas much more than Cali. If you're in certain parts of Sweden and need to go to the bathroom after 10 p.m., you're out of luck. 6. You can find many people selling tinto from thermoses on the street. . Thanks a lot Charlie! And the fines vary by location at their discretion. So, you can wear a fake mustache to church as long as it doesn't elicit laughter. For instance, when a seat in a bus gets free, Colombians tend to first uncomfortably lean on the back of the seat before sitting down. Gringo: Is Being Called a Gringo Offensive in Colombia? Coffee shops in the U.S. do most of their business before 10 am. Ive spent many months and weeks in Cali since the 90s. This includes masks, helmets, scarves, hats, fake beards and even burkas. The Colombian national anthem is played on the radio and television every day at 6am and 6pm by law The Colombian people are very patriotic and their laws reflect this. Honestly its usually better to rely on Google Maps then ask for directions in Colombia. In Cali, Colombia, a woman may only have sex with her husband, and the first time this happens her mother must be in . I could write way more about the beautiful things about Colombia, like you already mentioned, the food, the friendly people, the landscapes and so on. Although the legislative trend in Colombia has tended towards the criminalization of possession and consumption of psychoactive substances, decriminalization prevailed when it comes to jurisprudence. Colombian Constitutional Law: Leading Cases by Manuel Jos Cepeda Espinosa and David Landau Call Number: KHH2921 .C438 2017 ISBN: 9780190640361 Published/Created: 2017 The following resources have been created or curated by the Law Library of Congress related to this nation. Brazil is another, however, it is 10 times the size of Colombia! With a 1.5 mile long tidal wave that you can surf, be sure to hit its coastlines and surf the wave. A man in Zhengzhou was forbidden from naming his newborn son "@" because of the rule stating that all given names must be translatable into Mandarin. Why? Before you get any crazy ideas and have too much Scottish whisky you should know you could get a ticket for drunk cow riding. Official gazettes are primary sources of law published by national governments to disseminate new legislation, regulations, and decisions of governmental bodies. Alaska. On the other hand, what Ive foud in El Hueco is that if youre looking for something a bit unusual, if you ask in any store, they will give you some very specific and complex directions and its always correct. This requires people between the ages of 40 to 74 to have an annual waist measurement performed at the doctor. It is illegal for women to drive vehicles while wearing a housecoat. Then you ask someone else at this location and they tell you its five blocks in the other direction. It's illegal to let your donkey (yes, you ready that right) sleep in a bathtub in Arizona. Flush Before 10:00 Pm Flush Before 10 in Switzerland Source The curfew on flushing toilets after 10:00 PM is quite a strict regulation of Switzerland.Everybody, better finish their business before the clock strikes ten. I think one very important thing that was left out is that all conversations whether it be social or business, are always prefaced by such lines as, como estas, que mas, bien o no, como le va, etc. Its just a culture thing. Guillo. Great article! Or really to describe people? Also, no matter where I have been so far in Medelln, I usually have seen a pet store nearby and off course in every mall. And one has to get used to if he/she comes from a more direct culture, to not be perceived as rude. Strange laws from Latin America Some laws are obvious. I would welcome Christmas Comments from the Medellin community. Take a second to support Medellin Guru on Patreon! It's illegal to hold salmon under suspicious circumstances Please dont take offense. It is illegal for autonomous vehicles to drive over 60 miles per hour. Casadas Marinka in Minka.