Action plan: 2025

Action plan: 2025

Our action plan for 2025 lists the work we’ll do under the 8 themes identified in 2012 as most important to our community.

See what we’re doing where you live:

1. Culture and heritage

    • Paint mural of Waterfall Railway Station at pedestrian entrance to Earl’s Well .
    • Working with other interested parties, carry out research on subjects of local historic interest including, among others, Ballymacadane Abbey, Inniskenny Church and Graveyard, Corbally Graveyard and Ballinora National School.
    • Research the Donovan family headstone in Corbally Graveyard.
    • Investigate the possibility of using Ground Penetrating Radar (GRP) for archaeological investigations in Corbally Graveyard.
    • Erect replica old style phone box in Waterfall and use as a free library.
    • Erect protective fencing around Ballymacadane Abbey Environment.
    • Continue with hedge regeneration project.

2. Social Inclusion

    • Promote social opportunities for older people, particularly during the day – a Drama Group, Book Club, Scrabble Club, Historical Society etc.
    • Promote social opportunities for younger people in the area
    • Actively engage with school pupils on various projects

3. Environment

    • Record locations and occupancy of installed bird, swift and bat boxes.
    • Compile a list of the flora and fauna common to Ballinora/Waterfall. Identify locations of invasive species and load to digital map (see below). Draw up plans, with the help of appropriate expertise, for their control and eradication.
    • Investigate potential of site at Viaduct end of Castlewhite road, for a woodland plantation.
    • Complete Digital maps of the area and regularly upload additional recordings of locations of local interest to the digitised map.
    • Complete phase 3 of Bat Survey to a professional standard.
    • Drawing on work so far completed for our Five Year Nature and Biodiversity Project, prepare draft long term BAP plan in consultation with local interest and submit to Community Foundation Ireland.
    • Promote rainwater harvesting.

Waterfall Village

        • Fit solar lighting to Waterfall Railway Bridge, plant 4 sides of the Bridge – Underway – some work done by Tidy Towns.
        • Pour footpath from Heatherfield to Ballymah pitch and down to Marymount.
        • Work on connecting Waterfall and Ballinora villages with a roadside footpath.

Ballinora Village

        • Erect a display board at Goblin Corner indicating A Natural Bird Sanctuary at this area.
        • Explore the idea of installing a book swap facility in the village.
        • Tar and chip both sides of the road edge at Hall Hill Bridge.
        • Paint yellow lines on both sides of the road through the village between the ‘Welcome’ signs.
        • Develop a communityy garden at Dinnny Cronin’s corner.
      • Ballinora Cross

        • Install public lighting.

4. Safety and Security

    • Continue participation in the community alert programme.

5. Roads and Road Safety

    • Remove 2 trees at west side of Old Abbey Railway Bridge.
    • Build a pathway from Ballinora Village to Waterfall Village and on to Ballymah GAA pitch.
    • Coninue lobbying for a regular bus service to Waterfall.
    • Fill in roadside drains on narrow roads around the parish (Ballinora Cross to Curraheen, Abbey Bridge etc.).
    • Erect a direction sign for Castlewhite at the southern end of that road.
    • Work with Cork County Council on road speeds in the area.
    • Install a pedestrian crossing at Ballymah Pitch entrance.
    • Complete list of jobs supplied to Cork Co Co – Carrigaline and Macroom.
    • Attach ‘’road not suitable for HGVs’’ signs on narrow roads in the area.

6. Communications

    • Prepare a flier with details of all voluntary organisatiosn in the parish.
    • Implement a technology based solution (APP) to the problem of communication in the parish.
    • Publish a directory of products and services available locally.
    • Progress the many items raised during our recent consultation process with different organisations in the parish.

7. Recreation

    • Develop Sli na Slainte walk in the parish – km marking, steps taken, Kcal burned.

8. Infrastructure

    • Research costs associated with new community hub.